Friday, September 11, 2009

Blessed Frederic


September 9

Gospel: (Luke 10: 25-37)

“And who is my neighbor? Jesus replied: “There was a man going down from Jerusalem to Jericho who fell in with robbers. They stripped him, beat him, and then went off leaving him half-dead. A priest happened to be going down the same road; he saw him but continued on. Likewise there was a Levite who came the same way; he saw him and went on. But a Samaritan who was journeying along came on him and was moved to pity at the sight. He approached him and dressed his wounds, pouring in oil and wine as a means to heal. He then hoisted him on his own beast and brought him to an inn, where he cared for him. The next day he took out two silver pieces and gave them to the innkeeper with the request: “Look after him, and if there is any further expense I will repay you on my way back.” Which of these three, in your opinion, was neighbor to the man who fell in with the robbers?” The answer came, “The one who treated him with compassion.” Jesus said to him, “Then go and do the same.”


Frederic heard the call of Jesus –to be merciful. He saw the works of mercy as calls to action. He believed that if he genuinely wanted to serve the poor and others, he had to direct his works of mercy to the moral and spiritual betterment of individuals, not only to the alleviation of their physical distress.

Vincentian Meditation:

“Help honors when to the bread that nourishes it adds the visit that consoles, the advice that enlightens, the friendly shake of the hand that lifts up the sinking courage; when it treats the poor man with respect, not only as an equal but as a superior, since he is suffering what perhaps we are incapable of suffering; since he is the messenger of God to us, sent to prove our justice and our charity, and to save us by our works.” Frederic Ozanam (Ramson, Praying with Frederic, p. 93)

Discussion: (Journal your thoughts on the readings after a moment of silence)

How are you in your Conference living the spirit of Frederic?

Closing Prayer:

A Litany in Honor of Blessed Frederic Ozanam

Frederic Ozanam, defender of faith, pray for us.

Frederic Ozanam, promoter of hope, pray for us.

Frederic Ozanam, apostle of charity, pray for us.

Frederic Ozanam, exemplary husband and father, pray for us.

Frederic Ozanam, lover of poverty and the poor, pray for us.

Frederic Ozanam, advocate of the dignity of the human person, pray for us.

Frederic Ozanam, servant of the truth, pray for us.

Frederic Ozanam, model for Catholic teachers and professors, pray for us.

Frederic Ozanam, disciple of St. Vincent De Paul, pray for us.

Frederic Ozanam, faithful son of the Church, pray for us.

Frederic Ozanam, our intercessor at the throne of God, pray for us. Amen


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Our New Banner

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