Our Motto

“Serviens in Spe.”

This international motto means “serving in hope,” and sums up the Vicentian attitude about our charitable mission.

This motto accompanies the international emblem. From one Vicentian website:

“The Fish is the symbol of Christianity and in this case represents the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. The eye of the Fish is the caring eye of God looking for ways to help the poor and underprivileged in our midst. The crossing at the tail or a tie-knot represents unity and oneness among members and also in union with the poor. The circle signifies the global stature of the SVDP, an international Confederation.”


“To become better--do a little good.” (Bl. Frederic Ozanam, founder)

“Stand your ground, find common ground." (on expressing Christian commitment, from sermon by Fr. Jos Karakatil)

“We need service--and sanctuary” (on need to be prayerful and reflective in serving the poor, from presentation at SVdP Annual Dinner 2007, Bishop Francis Quinn)

“The Resurrection, Easter, is the very foundation of our faith, our hope, our love. Everything in the Church commences when, like those two disciples on the road to Emmaus that first Easter, we recognize Jesus as risen from the dead. The Church herself begins.” (New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan, from homily at installation mass, April 15, 2009)

"Continue your (Lenten) commitment." (Fr. Nicholas Ho, from Easter homily on the need to continue Christian commitment through the Easter season and beyond, April 8, 2012)


Please scroll down this page to view our photo album or find more pictures on our facebook page.

Walk for the Poor 2013

Walk for the Poor 2013

Homeless Strategies Workshop

Homeless Strategies Workshop

Feeding the Hungry

Feeding the Hungry

Walk for the Poor 2012

Walk for the Poor 2012

Homeless Ministry

Homeless Ministry
Our New Banner

Bundle Sunday Fall 2010

Bundle Sunday Fall 2010
Donations help the poor

Marian Retreat

Marian Retreat
Vincentians gather for a morning relecting on Marian devotion.

Hospitality Sunday 2010

Hospitality Sunday 2010
Vincentians thank the OLG parish for its genorosity.

Parish Festival 2010

Parish Festival 2010

Nat'l Vincentian Family Gathering 2010

Nat'l Vincentian Family Gathering 2010
Conference members attend via internet link up

West Coast Walk for Life 2010

West Coast Walk for Life 2010

Spirit of Giving

Spirit of Giving
A donation coin box symbolizes personal sacrifice

Hospitality Sunday

Hospitality Sunday
Donations support St. Vincent de Paul

Bundle Sunday

Bundle Sunday

Invitation to Service

Invitation to Service

Working in the Food Locker

Working in the Food Locker