To donate, please call our Help Line: (916) 371-5264. You may also donate on line (please designate "for OLG SVdP" in the comments section). Thank you!
Our Lady of Grace Conference is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and contributions/donations are tax exempt to the extent allowed by federal and state law.
We are very grateful for the continuing generosity of the parish, OLG school, corporate and private sponsors, and our other donors.
Support OLG Conference through the West Sacramento Foundation raffle.
Support our annual SVdP Friends of the Poor Walk
We are always in need of non-perishable foods. Please check the expired date on all items you wish to donate.
The SVdP Thrift Store accepts donations.
For information or pick up, contact the Store, located on 2275 Watt Avenue, Sacramento.
Furniture needed. Please call the Store for current donation needs:
Call (916) 972-1212, store fax (916) 972-1242.
The Sacramento Diocesan Council helps those in need.
The National Society provides direct monetary relief to Vincentian efforts world wide.
To donate, visit the National Society's website or Catholic Relief Services.
We are very grateful for the continuing generosity of the parish, OLG school, corporate and private sponsors, and our other donors.
Support OLG Conference through the West Sacramento Foundation raffle.
Support our annual SVdP Friends of the Poor Walk
Current Needs:
Donated storage/office space
Food: soup, canned meats, peanut butter, jelly, rice, pasta
We are always in need of non-perishable foods. Please check the expired date on all items you wish to donate.
The SVdP Thrift Store accepts donations.
For information or pick up, contact the Store, located on 2275 Watt Avenue, Sacramento.
Furniture needed. Please call the Store for current donation needs:
Call (916) 972-1212, store fax (916) 972-1242.
The Sacramento Diocesan Council helps those in need.
Help Us Help Others!
The National Society provides direct monetary relief to Vincentian efforts world wide.
To donate, visit the National Society's website or Catholic Relief Services.