Thursday, March 15, 2012

Daughters of Charity

March 14. St. Louise de Marillac was born August 12, 1591. She married Antoine LeGras on February 5, 1613, had a son named Michel, and was widowed when Antoine died on December 21, 1625. St. Vincent de Paul then became her spiritual director, and under his guidance she became very active in caring for the poor and in visiting the Confraternities of Charity. With Vincent, Louise co-founded the Daughters of Charity on November 29, 1633. She died March 15, 1660, and was canonized in 1934. In 1960, Pope John XXIII proclaimed her the patron saint of all Christian social workers.  (Vincentian Feast Days.)

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sacramentum Caritatis

The Diocese of Sacramento has published its strategic plan for the diocese and, with it, a call to action to Catholics in Northern California.  Read the strategic plan here.

Of particular interest for Vincentians is the renewed focus on charity and social justice, with the foundation of both being Jesus Christ in the mystery of the Holy Eucharist.  In the document, this concept is called, Sacramentum Caritatis - The Sacrament of Charity.

Two excerpts from the strategic plan's discussion under Sacramentum Caritatas explain the concept:

The Sacrifice of the Mass is where the charity of the Church begins.
In the Diocese of Sacramento, we will make explicit the relationship between the Eucharistic mystery of the Mass and our commitment to serve society with the truth and beauty of the Gospel.

The Way Out (of Poverty)

Serving in Hope.  Charity and Social Justice are the two aims of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul.   They are not exclusive concepts, but work together as responses to "the cry of the poor."  The Society is concerned with serving in hope--and bringing hope in Christ to those we serve.  Helping the poor to find "the way out" of poverty requires new attitudes, new approaches, new actions.  "Systemic change" is one way to describe this new approach.  National President Sheila Gilbert describes the new direction in this short video message.


Please scroll down this page to view our photo album or find more pictures on our facebook page.

Walk for the Poor 2013

Walk for the Poor 2013

Homeless Strategies Workshop

Homeless Strategies Workshop

Feeding the Hungry

Feeding the Hungry

Walk for the Poor 2012

Walk for the Poor 2012

Homeless Ministry

Homeless Ministry
Our New Banner

Bundle Sunday Fall 2010

Bundle Sunday Fall 2010
Donations help the poor

Marian Retreat

Marian Retreat
Vincentians gather for a morning relecting on Marian devotion.

Hospitality Sunday 2010

Hospitality Sunday 2010
Vincentians thank the OLG parish for its genorosity.

Parish Festival 2010

Parish Festival 2010

Nat'l Vincentian Family Gathering 2010

Nat'l Vincentian Family Gathering 2010
Conference members attend via internet link up

West Coast Walk for Life 2010

West Coast Walk for Life 2010

Spirit of Giving

Spirit of Giving
A donation coin box symbolizes personal sacrifice

Hospitality Sunday

Hospitality Sunday
Donations support St. Vincent de Paul

Bundle Sunday

Bundle Sunday

Invitation to Service

Invitation to Service

Working in the Food Locker

Working in the Food Locker